Saturday, January 31, 2009

Nico's Williams FW30 Part 3

  1. Started out by using some Tamiya tape to trace the white decals.
  2. These were placed on a piece of glass and cut out, the correct decal number is written on each masking piece.
  3. Tamiya TS-55 was shot from a warmed can in light coats to build up and prevent as much getting under the tape
  4. A final heavy coat was put on after an hour of letting the light coats dry.
  5. Tape was removed and the blue to white transition was wet sanded with 2000 grit 3M paper.
  6. Decals were applied and some had to be modified to represent the markings for the Singapore GP.
  7. CF was applied to the undertray and gearbox
  8. After 30 minutes in the dehydrator Tamiya Smoke was airbrushed over the CF to give it a darker look.
I also burn a hole in the front wing trying to solder the wing together.
It was very odd as soon as the iron touched the area the part just melted.
Not sure why it melted but I'll be fixing that tonight.

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