Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ferrari F1-2000

Ferrari F1-2000
Inspired by Master Builder Akihiro's build

Manufacturer: Tamiya
Information: Plastic
Paint: Tamiya acrylics / Krylon / Zero Ferrari Paint
Aftermarket Parts: Various Carbon Fiber Decals / F2001 Top Studio Full Detail Set

Complete build pictures here

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mclaren MP4/6 (1/43) Part 2 w/ MP4/6 (1/20) Part 1

Ferrari 248 Build Part 2

Nico's Williams FW30 Part 6

Ferrari 312T2 Part 3

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ferrari 312T2 Part 2

I havent had much time to build recently with so much going on at work.
But I'm very pleased with how the engine has turned out so far.

Friday, July 17, 2009

MP4/20 Conversion - Brawn GP Part 3

Tamiya Light Putty was used and this stuff is amazing!

I can apply putty within minutes of each layer. I'm going to create a video using it to show how hard it gets in a matter of minutes. It is also the smoothest putty I have used.
Here you can see how I am building up the sidepods.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

MP4/20 Conversion - Brawn GP Part 2

This build is on hold while I wait for my putty order.

Ferrari 312T2

Manufacturer: Hasegawa Kit #23201
Information: Plastic - full detail
Paint: Tamiya acrylics / Krylon semi flat black / Ferrari Zero Paints / Vallejo Model Air acrylics
Aftermarket Parts: Hobby Design photo etched detail set / Bare Metal Foil / 3r Party bolt heads / Insect Pin Heads

Every bolt head was removed, drilled out and replaced with a new either metal or plastic bolt head. Insect pins were used in some areas as well. The photoetched detail set is nice and a great value for the price.

I' starting with the engine and making it a kit in itself before moving on to the rest of the kit.

Mclaren MP4/6 (1/43)

Manufacturer: Tameo WCT91
Information: Metal - full detail
Paint: Tamiya lacquer spray / Tamiya acrylics / Krylon semi flat black / Mclaren Zero Paints / Vallejo Model Air acrylics
Aftermarket Parts: Scale Motorsports carbon fiber decals / Bare Metal Foil