Saturday, December 20, 2008

Red Bull RB4 Part 4B

This shows where I made the cut to correct the wrong angle of the wing.

Here is the best look to show where the correction is made up.
You can just see that the rear part of the gearbox is pointing towards the right front of the car. The Brass pin used is holding the weight of the wing so I'm pleased with the results.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Ferrari 641/2 France Part 4

Here is the body painted with Zero Paints and 2 part clear.
The side pods are covered in Modelers CF and will get a clear yellow finish over them.

All of the parts are painted and I am ready to do the final assembly of all the parts.

I'm going to hold off on the decals and purchase the correct tobacco markings, plus the kit decals are very thin and you can see through the white while it's still on the sheet!

Red Bull RB4 Part 4

I had traced each piece of the suspension before I glued them together so i could make the CF templates.
Studio 27 CF decals used on the large section of the suspension and Modelers CF on the rest.
The Gold Decals are Model Factory Hiro leftovers from another kit.

After I clear these parts Bare Metal Foil will be added to the various suspension parts.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Red Bull RB4 Part 3

I meant to post this on the first Red Bull Post but forgot.

When I start a new multimedia kit I always check to make sure all the parts are there.
This after a few kits that were missing parts or came with the wrong kit version parts bag.

I use 3 x 5 cards and mark in the top right corner the step in the instructions the card represents and use tape to tape the parts, marking the part number under the part.

This organization has helped me and thought I'd pass it on!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Red Bull RB4 Part 2

The front wing is complete.
PE parts will be added following a clear coat.

I used CA glue to fill some of the gaps.
After some primer I may need to use some putty.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Red Bull RB4 Part 1

Manufacturer: E-Jan (Model Factory Hiro)
Information: Resin/White Metal- Curbside
Paint: Tamiya acrylics / Krylon semi flat black / Tamiya TS-51 over black
Aftermarket Parts: Various Carbon Fiber Decals
Decals: Red Bull '08 (thanks to Spike2933)

A big thanks to Spike for the Red Bull decals for the kit.
My wife got me the kit as a gift and didnt know the decals were not included.
By the time I went back to get the decals, they were all gone.
I contacted Spike after seeing this STR kit came with the RB4 decals and he sent them to me free of charge. Again, big thanks to Spike and I'm a part of the "Pay it Forward" club and will be looking to do the same for someone down the road.

After watching an excellent build on the the F1m site by BigDuke6 I decided to give this challenging kit a shot.

I started by removing the rear wing support, if left as is it will make the wing sit angled and a noticeable gap on one side by the rear tire.
(disappointing for the price of the kit!)

I used a piece of solder after cutting and shaping the piece

If you build the kit you need to make sure these suspension pieces are worked and reworked to be as straight as possible.

The front wing was tacked together with CA glue and solderd and filed clean to make sure the parts were not going to come apart later in the building process.

Back to the rear suspension...all parts are assembled to test the fit and shape of all the parts. These are the most brittle pieces of white metal I have ever seen! Because of this I have only 1 shot with each suspension arm. This entire section was glued and will be painted black before the CF decals are put on. We'll see how it turns out. (Thanks to Manu for this tip!)

The front wing was painted with auto primer, cleaned and primed again with black auto primer.

After a few hours TS-51 (Telefonica Blue) was shot from the can in very thin layers every 15 minutes. A total of 5 layers built up to this.

The pictures really dont do justice to how close this match is to the RB4 color. This will be left to dry before the CF and other decals are put on.

Ferrari 641/2 France Part 3

Here is a small update on the Ferrari.
Bare Metal Foil was used on the sides of the monocoque after a coat of flat black over black auto primer.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Revell Germany F2007 Part 1

Manufacturer: Revell Germany Kit #7252
Information: Plastic - Curbside
Paint: Tamiya acrylics / Krylon semi flat black / Cobra Rosso Corsa Ferrari Red
Aftermarket Parts: Various photo etched parts